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    MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Final
    19 Апреля 2012, 16:26:56

    MSI Afterburner - утилита для разгона видеокарт, работает со всеми изготовителями. Позволяет с легкостью изменять частоты GPU/Shader/Memory, управлять скоростями вращения крыльчатки вентиляторов, изменять напряжения и т.д.

    В полной мере поддерживаются все операционные системы семейства Windows XP/Vista/7 архитектуры х86 и х64. Имеются все необходимые возможности для мониторинга работы разогнанных карт, присутствуют опции работы с профилями, управление "горячими клавишами" и т.д. В состав дистрибутива входит установщик стресс-теста MSI Kombustor 1.0, использующий движок известного бенчмарка FurMark.

    Основные возможности программы:
    * управление частотами памяти и ядра, включая шейдерный блок (как раздельно, так и одновременно)
    * управление напряжениями
    * ручное или автоматическое управление скоростью оборотов вентиляторов
    * экранная индикация в реальном времени для игр (скорость кадров, температура, мониторинг частот)
    * поддержка LCD-дисплеев клавиатур производства Logitech
    * отображение информации об устройстве, драйвере, BIOS и режиме SLI
    * возможность использовать различное оформление пользовательского интерфейса
    * поддержка до пяти профилей с настройками

    What's New in This Release:
    Added NVIDIA Kepler graphics processors family support
    Added GPU power consumption monitoring for NVIDIA Kepler series graphics cards
    Added core clock offset, memory clock offset and voltage offset support for dynamic overclocking on NVIDIA Kepler series graphic cards
    Dynamic clock frequency and voltage monitoring is now performed via new NVIDIA Kepler compatible API on branch 295 and newer NVIDIA display drivers
    Shader clock control is no longer supported via default MSI Afterburner skin, the skin has been redesigned to provide convenient access to modern power control technologies (AMD PowerTune and NVIDIA GPU Boost power target) instead of outdated independent shader clock control technology. Old graphics cards owners may still get access to independent shader clock control via alternate legacy skin, included in MSI Afterburner distributive
    Added AMD Tahiti, Verde and Pitcairn graphics processors family support
    Added uP1637 voltage regulators support
    Added core and memory voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 7970 and AMD RADEON 7950 graphics cards with CHL8228 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R7970 Lightning series graphics cards with CHL8228+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added memory and VRM temperature monitoring for custom design MSI R7970 Lightning series graphics cards with NCT7718W thermal sensors
    Added core and memory voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 7870 graphics cards with CHL8228 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R7870 Hawk series graphics cards with CHL8228+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added memory and VRM temperature monitoring for custom design MSI R7870 Hawk series graphics cards with NCT7718W thermal sensors
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R7850 Power Edition series graphics cards with uP1637+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 7770 graphics cards with L6788A voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R7770 Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6266+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added core voltage control for custom design MSI R7750 series graphics cards with uP6266 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R7750 Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6204+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R6930 Twin Frozr III Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6266+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Now MSI Afterburner displays target VID instead of real voltage sensor reading on "GPU voltage" graph on graphics cards equipped with CHL8228 voltage regulators. These changes are implemented to avoid confusing the beginners and prevent the hysteria about voltage drop on AMD RADEON 7970 series graphic cards spreading across different discussion forums. Experienced users, understanding the difference between target and real voltages, may still unlock the previous real voltage monitoring mode via editing the hardware profiles
    Added core voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 cores series graphics cards
    Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N560GTX-448 Twin Frozr III Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6218+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added core voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON 6990 series graphics cards with VT1556 voltage regulators
    Added voltage control for custom design MSI R6790 series graphics cards with CHL8214 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for custom design MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6266+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added core voltage control for custom design MSI R6950 Twin Frozr II series graphics cards with CHL8214 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N580GTX Lightning series graphics cards with uP6218+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added memory and VRM temperature monitoring for custom design MSI N580GTX Lightning series graphics cards with NCT7718W thermal sensors
    Added memory and VRM temperature monitoring for custom design MSI R6970 Lightning series graphics cards with NCT7718W thermal sensors
    Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N570GTX Twin Frozr III Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6218+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N560GTX-Ti Hawk series graphics cards with uP6218+uP6262 voltage regulators
    Added CHL8225 and CHL8318 voltage regulators support to provide compatibility with future MSI graphics cards
    Added core voltage control for alternate revision of reference design NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 series graphics cards
    Added core voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 V2 series graphics cards
    Improved overclocking profiles format provides compatibility with NVIDIA Kepler series graphics cards. Please take a note that existing overclocking profiles (startup overclocking profile and profile slots) will be ignored and must be recreated in new version
    Improved compatibility with some smart UPS models, MSI Afterburner task is no longer being terminated by Windows task scheduler when the PC is entering suspended mode
    Added new compatibility option to "General" tab, allowing you to select GPU type on some graphics card models using different GPU types (e.g. low-leakage and high-leakage Cayman GPUs on RADEON 6900 series graphics cards). The option affects default reference GPU voltage and 3D voltage control path
    Now MSI Afterburner's startup daemon routine precaches VRM I2C registers state at the first Windows startup. Precached VRM state is being used to detect default voltage instead of hardcoding default voltages into the database. Please take a note that you may forcibly perform precaching later with command line switch or disable the precaching at all via configuration file if necessary and force MSI Afterburner to use the previous hardcoded database based default voltage detection
    Fixed sub-zero temperatures reading on certain custom design MSI graphics cards with LM96163 and NCT7718W dedicated thermal sensors
    Hardware abstraction layer (HAL) architecture has been improved to provide compatibility with NVIDIA Kepler graphics cards series
    Now multi-GPU overclocking and fan control settings synchronization is performed at HAL level instead of display driver wrapper level to improve HAL architecture extendibility and provide compatibility with NVIDIA Kepler graphics cards series
    Added new "Force fan speed update on each period" option to the "Fan" tab. New option may improve compatibility of software automatic fan speed control mode with some bugged display drivers, overriding manually programmed fan speed under certain conditions
    Shared control memory format has been upgraded to v2.0. New format provides power limit adjustment support and forward compatibility with NVIDIA Kepler graphics cards series
    Now it is possible to override group names for values displayed in the On-Screen Display or in Logitech keyboard LCD display
    MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.3.3. New version gives you the following improvements:
    Added audio capture support to video capture engine. The engine supports stereo audio capture via DirectSound under Windows XP and both multichannel or downmixed stereo capture via WASAPI under Windows Vista and newer operating systems
    Primary desktop video capture support for Windows XP and newer operating systems. Please take a note that desktop video capture is not supported under Windows Vista and newer OS with Aero Glass interface enabled, so Aero Glass is being automatically disabled by the server while capturing a video from desktop. Please take a note that both desktop video capture support and forcible Aero Glass interface toggling can be disabled via the configuration files if necessary
    Improved OpenGL On-Screen Display coordinates calculation for framebuffer coordinate space mode
    Added custom raster 3D fonts support to On-Screen Display in addition to the previously available vector 2D / 3D fonts. On-Screen Display 3D mode rendering mode switch has been replaced with new vector 2D / vector 3D / raster 3D rendering modes tri-switch
    Now On-Screen Display coordinates are specified in pixels instead of zoomed units
    Now it is possible to use drag-and-drop in On-Screen Display preview window to adjust On-Screen Display position
    Now On-Screen Display supports tabulation symbols for better appearance in conjunction with new variable width custom fonts
    Improved desktop windows notification mechanism for faster server startup and shutdown
    Windows Sidebar is now captured properly on desktop screenshots
    Updated system profile template mapping rules for application profiles
    Improved bitrate calculation in AVI file headers
    Modified screen/videocapture progress indicator appearance
    Fixed bug causing multiple used OSD slots to overwrite each other instead of merging the slots correctly
    Added screencapture and videocapture support for Direct3D10 and Direct3D11 applications using framebuffers with 10-bit RGB components (e.g. Dirt 3) o Added screencapture and videocapture support for Direct3D10 and Direct3D11 applications using BGR framebuffers (e.g. F.3.A.R.) o Improved video frames timestamping approach may improve smoothness of videos captured on low framerates
    Fixed vertex buffer overflow issue causing improper On-Screen Display rendering or crashing in Direct3D10 / Direct3D11 applications when too many items are selected to be displayed in On-Screen Display
    Improved RTV1 codec provides better compression ratio (significantly better under certain conditions) without affecting the image quality and encoding performance
    Added alternate RTV1 compression mode providing 1.5x - 2x better realtime compression performance at the cost of some minor image quality loss. Video quality slider is now unlocked for RTV1 format, 100% quality selects original compression mode whilst any other value selects new high performance compression mode
    Now MSI Afterburner displays captured video file time, size, per-frame compression ratio and time in the On-Screen Display next to the video capture progress indicator when "Show own statistics" option is enabled in the server's properties
    Added new profile setting "Enable compatibility with modified Direct3D runtime libraries" allowing MSI On-Screen Display Server to detect runtime function offsets dynamically on each 3D application startup. This provides On-Screen Display functionality support in applications using modified Direct3D runtime libraries (e.g. FXAA injection Direct3D runtimes)
    Added new profile settings allowing you to limit the framerate during gaming. Limiting the framerate during gaming can help to reduce the power consumption as well as it can improve gaming experience due to removing unwanted microstutteing effect caused by framerate fluctuations
    Now video capture clients can limit the framerate during video capture. Limiting the framerate during videocapture can improve resulting video smoothness
    Added gamma corrected video capture support
    Added Vector 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode support for OpenGL applications
    Added Raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode support for OpenGL applications using ARB shaders (e.g. ID Software's Rage)
    Added workaround for AMD Direct3D driver issues causing OSD to be invisible in Direct3D8 and Direct3D9 applications when using Raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode
    Added workaround for AMD OpenGL driver PBO issues causing the driver to crash or perform abnormally slow during videocapture o Added Direct3D9Ex support (DOTA 2 and Darkness 2 demo)
    Improved desktop windows notification mechanism eliminates unwanted beeps occurring on some systems during the server startup / shutdown
    Added video capture compatibility setting allowing cropping output video dimensions to make them multiples of 16 to improve compatibility with some third party MJPG decoders
    Improved tabbed text formatting provides better compatibility with custom On-Screen Display group names
    Dedicated 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 frame downsampling routines have been replaced with unified arbitrary downsampling routine. Now MSI Afterburner provides arbitrary frame downsampling functionality and allows selecting 360p, 480p, 720p, 900p, 1080p frame sizes for both 16:9 and 16:10 aspect ratios. Please take a note that arbitrary frame sizes list is user extendable so you may add your own custom frame sizes to the configuration file if necessary
    Now multithreaded video capture optimization is forcibly disabled by default on single core CPUs
    Updated profiles list
    Screen and video capture no longer stop working properly after selecting a drive root as a destination folder and restarting the application
    Now SDK includes new sample code, demonstrating On-Screen Display usage from any third party application. The sample is displaying CPU usage in On-Screen Display and provides third party developers helper object for RivaTuner-styled grouped OSD text formatting
    MSI Afterburner is no longer using native AMD ADL SDK GPU indices. Now it always sorts GPUs by PCI location to ensure that GPU indices stay the same in the system regardless of operating system, display driver version and GPU display outputs connection
    Added driver-level fan tachometer monitoring fallback for AMD graphics cards via AMD ADL SDK
    PowerTune settings are now being forcibly reapplied after changing the clocks via unofficial overclocking path to bypass bug in AMD driver causing PowerTune settings to be reset to defaults during programming PowerPlay table
    Unofficial overclocking is now ignored for inactive ULPS enabled AMD graphics cards to prevent system crashing. Please take a note that you still need to disable ULPS to control all graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode
    Added unofficial overclocking support for AMD graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop
    Now unofficial overclocking can be enabled without typing in the EULA into the configuration file. In this case the EULA is displayed and you're forced to accept it during MSI Afterburner startup
    Added power user oriented command line switches allowing to extend Overdrive clock limits on AMD graphics cards attached to Windows desktop
    ATIPDLXX.DLL is now redistributed with MSI Afterburner to address issues with unofficial overclocking under Catalyst 12.2 and newer AMD drivers
    Improved Catalyst version detection for AMD graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop
    Improved GPU type definition format in hardware database to fix ambiguous GPU type selection on some custom design MSI graphics cards (e.g. MSI R5870 Lightning series)
    Now MSI Afterburner's startup daemon routine precaches graphics card state at the first Windows startup. Precached state is being used to improve default clocks detection and clock sliders calibration in some cases when display driver provides no trustworthy defaults detection mechanism (e.g. on AMD graphics cards in unofficial overclocking mode)
    Added unified vendor independent videomemory usage monitoring layer for graphics cards, having no generic videomemory monitoring interfaces implementation in display drivers. Unified videomemory usage monitoring layer is based upon RivaTuner's VidMem plugin technology under Windows XP and original concepts of accessing Direct3D kernel mode thunk statistics under Windows Vista and Windows 7, introduced by Mark Russinovich in ProcessExplorer 15. By default unified videomemory usage monitoring path is enabled as primary path on AMD graphics cards and as a fallback path on NVIDIA graphics cards when generic NVAPI videomemory usage monitoring is not available (e.g. on NVIDIA graphics cards unattached to Windows desktop, such as dedicated PhysX or other GPGPU graphics cards). Power users may redefine unified and generic videomemory monitoring paths usage behaviors for both AMD and NVIDIA hardware abstraction layers via the configuration file
    Changed current value and time labels rendering Z-order in hardware monitoring graphs renderer
    Improved active monitoring graphs list control in "Monitoring" tab reduces list flickering when hovering mouse cursor over it
    ReadMe file is now provided in RTF format instead of plain text format
    Now beta versions display notification messages informing you that it is about to expire soon in one week or less before the end of trial period
    Added update checking system
    Added RivaTuner-styled command line interface providing direct GPU and I2C device registers access. Logical AND, OR and XOR operations are supported in addition to regular read and write operations. Now MSI Afterburner can be used by vendors for pre-production custom VRM testing and calibration
    Added new compatibility option allowing disabling low-level access to hardware. New option replaces more complex RTCore.cfg renaming related workaround for BFBC2 Punkbuster's bug
    Kernel mode RTCore driver has been upgraded to v1.6. New driver introduces RivaTuner-styled protected MMIO IOCTLs and removes outdated IOCTLs dedicated for some old and currently abandoned RTCore technology based applications (HIS iTurbo and RMClock)
    Added new compatibility option allowing using protected kernel mode low-level access to hardware instead of user mode one. This option can also be used to bypass Punkbuster related stability issues
    Now MSI Afterburner restores default hardware automatic fan control mode when logging off from Windows · Now MSI Afterburner starts significantly faster than before due to optimized I2C devices scanning, cached database access and optimized GPU context switching in profile load routine
    Fixed RTV1 codec installation issue on 64-bit systems
    Now power users may unlock additional hidden video capture formats via the configuration file
    Now screenshot and video capture quality can be adjusted with precise 1% steps instead of 5% steps in the previous version
    Now video capture framerate can be adjusted in [1 FPS; 100 FPS] range with precise 1 FPS steps instead of [25 FPS; 100 FPS] range and 5 FPS steps in the previous version
    Added "Single tray icon mode" option to "User interface" tab. When single tray icon mode is enabled, the primary application tray icon is being replaced with hardware monitoring tray icon(s) if monitoring in system tray is enabled and MSI On-Screen Display server's icon is not being displayed in tray when the server is loaded. Please take a note that MSI On-Screen Display server's properties are still accessible via "More" button in "OSD" tab
    Now shared control memory reinitialization is initiated by delayed fan speed readback mechanism
    Now MSI Afterburner can restart itself automatically instead of displaying restart requirement notification after changing some global compatibility options, e.g. unlocking voltage control or disabling low-level hardware access interface
    Now DirectX web setup is integrated into the installer
    Skin format reference guide has been updated to v1.5 to document new indicator types support
    Now new user interface language selection into MSI Afterburner GUI also results in selecting the same user interface language into MSI On-Screen Display Server
    Updated Korean localization
    Added Simplified Chinese localization
    Added Indonesian localization
    Added Japanese localization
    Added German localization
    Added Polish localization
    Added multilanguage installer

    Релиз выпущен: 2012
    ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
    Язык интерфейса: multilanguage/русский
    Лекарство: не требуется
    Размер файла: 23,1 Мб

    Категория: Системные утилиты | Добавил: draper2008 | Теги: Afterburner, Final, MSI, 2.2.0
    Просмотров: 375 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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